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+30 21 0523 3211
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Where to find us:

Athens Office
Εμμανουήλ Μπενάκη 38
10678 Αθήνα, Ελλάδα
Limited Offer

We'll match your current
insurance, reduced by 10%.

Offer valid until 12.2023


Send us your current insurance policy from another company & tell us how much you're paying.
We'll send you a new policy at the same conditions, 10% off.


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Liability Insurance (MTPL)

Motor Thrid Party Liabiity Insurance (Also simply know as 'Liability Insurance') is the most basic form of car insurance, and enough to cover the minimum legal requirements in Greece.

Generally, MTPL pays for the damage or injuries you might cause to others with your vehicle.

Collision Insurance (Casco)

Casco or Collision Insurance all describe an extended form of insurance which cover more than MTPL. This includes accidental damage to your vehicle from collisions and other non-collision events (fires, earthquakes, etc.).

Generally, Collision Insurance is divided into 'Casco' and 'Full Casco', all covering a different range of damages.

DallBogg Insurance

+30 21 0523 3211
Monday - Friday 8:30 - 17:30

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